Welcome to Our Rental Portal!

We're thrilled to have you here, where a world of resources awaits! Thinking about buying or selling? Swing by our website at c-u-at-home.com for all the support you need!

Ready to apply for a rental? Let's make it easy! Here's how to get started:

1. Please review our Rental Policy "select more", then fill out the application completely and accurately and then select 'REVIEW APPLICATION' to submit.

2. If you do not see a 'PROCESS APPLICATION' selection, there are corrections to be made, they will be indicated in red, make all corrections and select 'REVIEW APPLICATION' again.

3. When all is correct, select 'PROCESS APPLICATION' You will be sent to a 'THANK YOU' page. select 'DONE' and you will be returned to this page, where you may select ' PayPal' above to pay the application processing fee(s). The fees are $50 for each adult 18 and over on the lease. If you choose, you may pay at the office. There are no refunds. We will process your application only after the fee is paid.

4. Select the 'Apply Online' selection above, or on the bottom right, to start the process, thank you. 

Thank you, we look forward to working with you! 

Rental Application

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